Chairman of the Board
Captain Paul R. Haley USN (Ret.) HC-76

Chairman of the Board - Emeritus
Capt. Paul Everett Mawn USN (Ret) HC-’63

Alumni Advisory Committee

Colonel James Metcalf USAFR (Ret.) HC-67
Dr. Michael Segal HC-76, MD, PhD

Honorary Steering Committee
General John E. Hyten USAF HC-81
VADM Phil Cullom USN (Ret.)  HBS- 88
Major General William Rapp  USA (Ret.) 
Brg. Gen. Michael Wholley USMC (Ret) HC-66
RADM Ron Henderson Jr. USN (Ret) HC-76
LCDR Ted Roosevelt IV USNR HC-65; HBS-72
Senator Tom Cotton HC-99; HLS -02
LT George W. Strake Jr. USNR (fmr.) HBS-61
Senator Dan Sullivan HC-87
Gov. Ron DeSantis HLS-05
Congressman Seth Moulton HC-01; HBS/ KS-11
Dr. Harry R. Lewis (Harvard Professor) HC-68

ROTC Commanding Officers
Captain Jack HoudeshellUSN - NROTC
LTC Peter Francik USAF - AFROTC
Major Thomas Allen USA - AROTC

Advocates for Harvard ROTC

Advocates for Harvard ROTC aims to foster an atmosphere supportive of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps at Harvard.  We invite everyone to read about our organization, founded in 1988, and read the media coverage the ROTC issue has received by clicking on the buttons below.  Please send the URL for this site to others who may be interested and please send us links to material that would be good to add to this site.

We invite alumni and current students of Harvard, Radcliffe and all affiliates, faculty, administrators and military officers connected with Harvard ROTC to join Advocates for Harvard ROTC; over 2100 have joined since June 2001.  Since the ROTC issue concerns undergraduates, support from students at Harvard College and professors in Harvard's Faculty of Arts and Sciences is particularly important.  Please click the "Register as a Supporter" button below to fill out and send the support form.  This association has been organized to broaden the base of support for ROTC at Harvard.  It is not designed to be a fund raising organization. It is a Non-Money-Raising, No-Dues entity. 

The roster of the ADVOCATES will be used to distribute an occasional newsletter and to demonstrate the breadth of support of the ROTC Program.  The members wish to assure the continuance of the ROTC for Harvard students, affording to these gifted young Americans the opportunities to become the future leaders in government, industry, and academia.

Paul E. Mawn '63, Chairman, Advocates for Harvard ROTC

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