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Advocates for ROTC

"Advocates for ROTC" is an umbrella group for organizations that promote an atmosphere supportive of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps on college campuses. 

ROTC was active at all major universities in the United States until the Vietnam War, when it was effectively barred by some colleges amid anti-war sentiment.  Following the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" law about homosexuality in the armed forces 2010, many of these colleges moved to restore connections with the military and create the ROTC programs of the future that add to current programs some important plusses for both the universities and the military.

ROTC is a core part of the nation's military training, producing more officers than the service academies.  President Barack Obama said in his 2011 State of the Union speech that now that DADT is ending "I call on all of our college campuses to open their doors to our military recruiters and ROTC".  Gen. David Petraeus stresses that ROTC "is very important for our Army and our country" and that many ROTC graduates are "true national assets".  Both the country and the universities will benefit from having more such leaders.

Please click links on the sidebar to find out more about ROTC coverage or groups on various campuses, including detailed coverage of the ROTC over the past several decades.  Visit this site periodically to check on recent coverage and on current issues and myths about ROTC.  Please send the address for this page ( to others who may be interested and please send us material that would be good to add to this site.

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